You can pay your order using the following methods:
For customers abroad
- Bank deposit
- Paypal
For customers in Greece
- Bank deposit
- Paypal
- Cash on Delivery (extra charge 3 € )
1.Payment using deposit on bank account
You can deposit the total ammount of your order in our company’s bank account.We will inform you of the exact ammount, that includes shipping costs, depending on the shipping method of your order.
If you order from our eshop then the total cost is calculated before finalizing your order.If you order with any other method,our partner that helped you in submitting your order will inform you about the total cost.We suggest the use of Web Banking, that nowadays is available from almost every Bank..
In any case the money that will be deposited in our Bank Account must be EXACTLY what is indicated in the end of your order with no fees or deductions. Especially if you choose Web Banking you will be asked to specify who is charged with the expenses, (expediter, recipient or both) you must choose “Expediter”.
EUROBANK – ERGASIAS Bank: IBAN:GR7102600960000130200